The Daily Danet
The Daily Danet is a satirical newspaper published online by Daily Danet LLC, a New York limited liability company. The Editor in Chief (and sole author) of the Daily Danet is Dan Sudonym.
Most reports will be satirical in nature and will fall into one of the Daily Danet’s sections, such as Business, Weather (Global Warming™), Stars & Stripes (the Military), etc. On occasion, the editors will receive reports with a byline from the past (or future). These will be filed under “Today in History.”
Dan has advanced degrees in physics, atmospheric sciences and law. Mr. Sudonym currently works at an undisclosed Manhattan law firm where he strives to keep America safe for billionaires.
This blog was formerly located at Please bear with us while we modify references to Pete Puma, Mrs. Puma and all things Puma.