. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily Danet Broken News Ticker  Quote of the Moment: "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." - Mark Twain  Click Here for More Broken News  Federal govt to levy 90% tax on private citizens; decimate talent pool in banking industry.  ACORN caught lying, again. James and Hannah release Philly tape (video).  PSA: Liberal rag continues misogyny; launches look-a-like anti-Palin book to coincide with Oprah interview.  Hope·ocrisy: Whine House complains about Fox opinion shows, but has Olbermann and Maddow at private briefing with Obama.  Hope·ocrisy: Obama says we should work together, yet all of his critics are ideologues who must be destroyed.  Joseph Wiseman, 'Dr. No,' dies at age 91.  Grassley charges that Sebelius is using HHS website illegally for propaganda. Also, water may be wet.  Sobby Bottom: Clinton still whining about inherited problems. At least she is staying on the Obama message.  Massachusetts man charged in plot to attack shopping mall.  Hysterical: Your company thinks you stay in your job because of your boss, not for the money and the benefits.  Click Here for More Broken News  Quote of the Moment: "Hope don't pay the rent." - Daily Danet  Daily Danet is not suitable for bear attack.  . . . . . . . .

Broken News

Wednesday, October 21st

Federal govt to levy 90% tax on private citizens; decimate talent pool in banking industry.

ACORN caught lying, again. James and Hannah release Philly tape (video).

PSA: Liberal rag continues misogyny; launches look-a-like anti-Palin book to coincide with Oprah interview.

Hope·ocrisy: Whine House complains about Fox opinion shows, but has Olbermann and Maddow at private briefing with Obama.

Hope·ocrisy: Obama says we should work together, yet all of his critics are ideologues who must be destroyed.

Joseph Wiseman, 'Dr. No,' dies at age 91.

Grassley charges that Sebelius is using HHS website illegally for propaganda. Also, water may be wet.

Sobby Bottom: Clinton still whining about inherited problems. At least she is staying on the Obama message.

Massachusetts man charged in plot to attack shopping mall.

Hysterical: Your company thinks you stay in your job because of your boss, not for the money and the benefits.

Tuesday, October 20th

Party of Children: Dems literally lock GOP out of meeting room.

9 months of demonizing Wall Street and profit, and yet banks are not lining up to give to Dems.

Coming to America: Ugandan edition.

NFL Cheerleaders do Halloween. Mmmm, eye candy.

Idiocy: Illegal Alien costume proves how easy it is to offend people without a brain.

Chicago Sun-Times: Excuses are wearing thin for Obama.

Jake Tapper asks Glibbs, Why the Whine House thinks its appropriate to say Fox News is not a news organization: "Because Beck!."  So by that logic, all members of Obama's administration are Communists.

FLASHBACK: Last month, Nervous Steven Chu told Americans to stop acting like teenagers.

Obama's Energy Secretary "nervous" about $80/barrel. Maybe he should stop acting like a teenager.

Dissension: SECDEF says Obama needs to make a decision now on  Afghan troop levels.

Bill Maher in favor of scientific debate, over vaccinations--not Global Warming™ (video).

The new state flower of South Carolina: The Face Palm. More idiocy from the SC-GOP.

US space/weapons scientist accused of trying to sell secrets to Israel.  Someone has to protect Israel from Iran.

Cannot decide on troop levels, but the guest list for the parties is a breeze.

On Afghanistan, Obama still voting present.

Afghan election commission orders run-off; Karzai runs off shouting "I ghave keys to palace, nyanya."

NYTimes to cut 100 Newstomb jobs; will now print Obama press releases without any editing.

Caterpillar beats estimates, but still have not hired back those workers Obama promised in January.

Dumbass Louisiana judge decides racism needs a revival, refuses to issue marriage license to interracial couple.

Friday, October 16, 2009
By Dan

Dumbass: Louisiana judge decides racism needs a revival, refuses to issue marriage license to interracial couple.

Tags: conservatism, , , , new orleans,

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