. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily Danet Broken News Ticker  Quote of the Moment: "Never appeal to a man's "better nature." He may not have one. Invoking his self-interest gives you more leverage." - Robert Heinlein  Click Here for More Broken News  Obama's Katrina: Just like Bush after Katrina, Obama headed for 40% approval rating. - (see also)  Tony Hayward gets his life back; Carl "Small People" Svanberg takes over PR campaign. Get your popcorn ready.  Europe: Ja, ve haf goot ships for ze cleaning uf ze oil. Unions: It'd be a pity if sumptin were to happen to dem ships, capiche?  Hey Obama, remember 2004, when you and your Dems took over Congress and investigated every poop taken in the Bush administration? Gird your loins, champ.  New oil spill czar to spend only slightly more time on spill than Obama: will stay on as Secretary of the Navy.  Barackcide kills Dems fast! More people inclined to vote against candidate endorsed by Obama.  Hope·ocrisy: Obama DOJ now claims healthcare mandate *is* a tax to avoid lawsuit by opponents.  Giannoulias thugs throw cameraman off of roof (okay, not literally). That's the Chicago Way!  Smart Power: Coast Guard stops oil sucking barges to check for life vests and fire extinguishers.  Rumor Has It Kevin Costner can turn Gulf back into Waterworld, remove Untouchable oil in 13 Days. Kevin Bacon.  Click Here for More Broken News  Quote of the Moment: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut  Daily Danet is not suitable for bear attack.  . . . . . . . .

Broken News

Friday, June 18th

Obama's Katrina: Just like Bush after Katrina, Obama headed for 40% approval rating. - (see also)

Tony Hayward gets his life back; Carl "Small People" Svanberg takes over PR campaign. Get your popcorn ready.

Europe: Ja, ve haf goot ships for ze cleaning uf ze oil. Unions: It'd be a pity if sumptin were to happen to dem ships, capiche?

Hey Obama, remember 2004, when you and your Dems took over Congress and investigated every poop taken in the Bush administration? Gird your loins, champ.

New oil spill czar to spend only slightly more time on spill than Obama: will stay on as Secretary of the Navy.

Barackcide kills Dems fast! More people inclined to vote against candidate endorsed by Obama.

Hope·ocrisy: Obama DOJ now claims healthcare mandate *is* a tax to avoid lawsuit by opponents.

Giannoulias thugs throw cameraman off of roof (okay, not literally).  That's the Chicago Way!

Thursday, June 17th

Smart Power: Coast Guard stops oil sucking barges to check for life vests and fire extinguishers.

Rumor Has It Kevin Costner can turn Gulf back into Waterworld, remove Untouchable oil in 13 Days.  Kevin Bacon.

The H stands for Hasselhoff: Obama a big deal in Europe, not so much in the US.

Obama to spend $1.2 billion on cycling and walking; after his energy policy, you won't be able to afford gas anyway.

SCUS to NLRB: You really do need to follow the rules, mmkay?

Senator Barton finds out what "community organizer" means.

IBD to Obama: You want to know whose ass to kick?  Here's a mirror, champ.

Lisa Benson nails Obama's crisis management strategy.

Jealous much? Islamic cleric admits anti-Americanism is really just a form of pen!s envy; calls for Islamic United States.

Kerry: Job markets are always for govt green jobs before they are against them.

Seattle cop punches teenage girl; who does he think he is, a member of Congress?!?

CNN: Vague ideas, generalities and naked politics in Obama speech over the heads of idiot American public.

Smart Power: Iran builds more nuclear reactors in the face of impotent sanctions.

New jobless claims up again; almost 10 million still on unemployment, including 260 Vegas workers--thanks Obama!

Original Blue Man Group reunited; or, as Biden would say, this is a big smurfin' deal.

Wednesday, June 16th

BP spills oil in the Gulf of Mexico; midgets and Lilliputians hardest hit.

The tingle down Chris Matthews' leg has officially dried up.

Priorities: Obama will meet with BP for 20 minutes; Biden for 75.

Too Sexy in the Citi case gets weirder: She fires her lawyer based on allegations of sexual harassment; slave collars involved.

Tuesday, June 15th

Turning into the skid: MSNBC gives show to even tempered, Niles Crane look-a-like, Lawrence O'Donnell.

Smart Power: Iran builds more nuclear reactors in the face of impotent sanctions.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
By Dan

Smart Power: Iran builds more nuclear reactors in the face of impotent sanctions.

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