. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daily Danet Broken News Ticker  Quote of the Moment: "Few things are harder to put up with than a good example."- Mark Twain  Click Here for More Broken News  David "John" Vitter (R-eally?!?) pressuring media to shut up about his criminal former aide.  Robert Reich: Hey let's raise taxes on the rich and cut taxes on the middle class, so 20% pay 99% of taxes.  America's Team: Spending like drunken sailors on useless trinkets with no result. How 'bout dem Cowboys?  Man bites dog. NY Giants security to 78 year old Dan Rooney: Get off of our lawn!  Obama: America is now safer because of the war that made us less safe, which I opposed.  The dark and seedy underbelly of the NFL: Players selling their numbers, while some welsh on the deal.  CBS Rallies the Troops: Obama's approval rating is 48%. . .if you assume the Democratic party is as popular as it was in 2008.  AP: Joe Biden messes with Sheriff Joe. Wait, what?  The government can now legally track you with GPS. By bugging your car. Without a warrant. Thanks 9th Circuit!  Benedict Charlie: A man without party or principles.  Click Here for More Broken News  Quote of the Moment: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln  Daily Danet is not suitable for bear attack.  . . . . . . . .

Broken News

Friday, August 27th

David "John" Vitter (R-eally?!?)  pressuring media to shut up about his criminal former aide.

Robert Reich: Hey let's raise taxes on the rich and cut taxes on the middle class, so 20% pay 99% of taxes.

America's Team: Spending like drunken sailors on useless trinkets with no result. How 'bout dem Cowboys?

Man bites dog. NY Giants security to 78 year old Dan Rooney: Get off of our lawn!

Obama: America is now safer because of the war that made us less safe, which I opposed.

The dark and seedy underbelly of the NFL: Players selling their numbers, while some welsh on the deal.

CBS Rallies the Troops: Obama's approval rating is 48%. . .if you assume the Democratic party is as popular as it was in 2008.

AP: Joe Biden messes with Sheriff Joe. Wait, what?

Thursday, August 26th

The government can now legally track you with GPS. By bugging your car. Without a warrant. Thanks 9th Circuit!

Benedict Charlie: A man without party or principles.

House Dem frags party leader, trying to escape guilt by party affiliation.

Maddow mocks Christie math error right before she makes the same mistake herself. Too bad nobody saw it.

Intel CEO: Obama killed the radio star; policies are driving innovation and capital abroad.

Before ya accuse me: After Congress puts the blame on ratings agencies, S&P warns of Congress's out of control spending.

Man who said the Iraq war was lost gets his Irish up over someone saying not everyone in D.C. is on our side.

Guy who voted to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory about to take credit for his failure, our victory.

Poor POTUS. Can't a guy ru[i]n the free world without answering to the media?

Inflatable Obama Sex Doll; Comes with inflatable TelePrompTer; promises big, but delivers small.

Wednesday, August 25th

Bad news for chubby miners in Chile.

Obama EPA trying to ban lead-based ammo. I guess depleted uranium is my only option.

Remember how Obama promised you could keep your health insurance? Maybe these 3 million seniors probably didn't hear him.

Baucus (D-rafter) did not read Obamacare bill; relied on experts (read as "lobbyists").

Major Garrett takes voluntary demotion to Captain Garrett. Leaves FNC White House correspondent for National Journal congressional correspondent.

Andrew Robinson (R-rrrrrg) resigns as leader of UK's Pirate Party.

Latest NBC Crap Sandwich mixes Obama, Lost, the CIA, Alaska and Gitmo. Who green lights this stuff?

Morgan Stanley: Obama is writing checks his country cannot cash.

Gap Tooth Gap: Obama loses Letterman. Too bad no one saw it.

Tuesday, August 24th

Healthy dose of irony for those who said death panels were a load of crap.

Healthy dose of irony for those who said death panels were a load of crap.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
By Dan

Healthy dose of irony for those who said death panels were a load of crap.

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