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Does Tavis Smiley Think Obama Lied about the Stimulus?
On today’s Morning Joe, PBS host Tavis Smiley accused the Bush administration of lying to the American people about WMD in Iraq. This is a popular liberal canard. It even made Jon Meacham, former editor of Newsweek, and no friend to the cause defend George Bush: Smiley tries to re-define the word “lie” as... »
Odrama and the Impotence of Oration.
There has been a lot of discussion in the blogosphere today about who won and who lost Speech-o-drama. The president tried to upstage the Republican primary debate, was rejected and moved his speech to conflict with the NFL season opener instead. You have to believe that, if Obama has a plan at all, it’s... »
Obama wastes $535M to keep 1,100 employed for just over a year: works out to $450,000 each.
Obama wastes $535M to keep 1,100 employed for just over a year: works out to $450,000 each. »
Mentally challenged sycophant sees racism in Obama-caused scheduling dispute.
Mentally challenged sycophant sees racism in Obama-caused scheduling dispute. »
The one thing liberals forgot to learn in Kindergarten: The sun warms the Earth.
The one thing liberals forgot to learn in Kindergarten: The sun warms the Earth. »
California to legislate employment benefits for babysitters; to change state ID from CA to FAIL.
California to legislate employment benefits for babysitters; to change state ID from CA to FAIL. »
Media ponders Perry and Bachmann’s intellect while The One needs two teleprompters to make a 3 minute speech.
Media ponders Perry and Bachmann’s intellect while The One needs two teleprompters to make a simple 3 minute speech. »
Rep. Maxine Waters invites Tea Party to her district.
Rep. Maxine Waters invites Tea Party to her district. »
You know what this country needs? More regulation to increase the cost of energy. Thanks Obama!
Captain Incompetent: You know what this country needs? More regulation to increase the cost of energy. Thanks Obama! »
Garofalo is a misogynistic hermaphrodite being paid by Planned Parenthood to espouse an anti-woman agenda.
Janine Garofalo is a misogynistic hermaphrodite being paid by Planned Parenthood to espouse an anti-woman agenda. »