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Smart Power: Europeans not quite seeing all the Hope® and Change™ they were promised.
Smart Power: Europeans not quite seeing all the Hope® and Change™ they were promised. »
When even Europeans call you a spendthrift, it is time to get counseling.
When even Europeans call you a spendthrift, it is time to get counseling. »
Europe: Ve haf ships for ze cleaning uf ze oil. Unions: Itd be a pity if sumptin were to happen to dem ships.
Europe: Ja, ve haf goot ships for ze cleaning uf ze oil. Unions: It’d be a pity if sumptin were to happen to dem ships, capiche? »
The H stands for Hasselhoff: Obama a big deal in Europe, not so much in the US.
The H stands for Hasselhoff: Obama a big deal in Europe, not so much in the US. »
The whores and politicians will look up and shout Save us! And the markets whisper “no.”
The accumulated filth of all their regulations and socialism will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, “Save us!” And the markets will whisper, “no.” »
Man bites dog. Sarkozy: Germany will pay for Greek laziness, or France will leave the Euro.
Man bites dog. Sarkozy: Germany will pay for Greek laziness, or France will leave the Euro. »
24 hr strike marks first time in 60 yrs anyone has done anything work-related for more than 6 hrs without break.
Greek workers call 24 hour strike. First time in 60 years anyone has done anything work-related for more than 6 hours without a break. »
Germany not happy with financial stress from the rest of Europe. What is the worst that could happen?
Germany not happy with financial stress from the rest of Europe. What’s the worst that could happen? »
European Moochers Whine: Merkel will not give us Germany’s money fast enough.
European Moochers Whine: Merkel will not give us Germany’s money fast enough. »
EU proposal: Taxpayers to pay for non-workers to take a vacation from the jobs they do not have.
EU proposal: Taxpayers to pay for non-workers to take a vacation from the jobs they do not have. »