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Boehner: Govt is not the solution to the housing problem. (Psst: It’s the cause of it).
Boehner: Govt is not the solution to the housing problem. (Psst: It’s the cause of it). »
God or government, time to choose: Seniors told not to pray before eating government subsidized meals.
God or government, time to choose: Seniors told not to pray before eating government subsidized meals. »
Charges dismissed against Blackwater in Nisoor Square shooting.
Charges dismissed against Blackwater in Nisoor Square shooting. »
FCC official denies secret plot to destroy Limbaugh and Beck is funded by Soros; it is funded by taxpayers like you.
FCC official denies secret plot to destroy Limbaugh and Beck is funded by Soros; it’s funded by taxpayers like you. »
Pfizer: Thanks for kicking out those citizens for us, but we changed our minds–we wont be needing this land.
Pfizer: Thanks for kicking out those private citizens for us, but we changed our minds–we won’t be needing this land. »
17M are illegally registered to vote. But we are confident that no one is actually voting illegally. Right?
Over 17 million people are illegally registered to vote. But we are confident that no one is actually voting illegally. Right? »
First they came for the insurance companies. Gov’t investigates Humana for flyer questioning Obamacare.
First they came for the insurance companies. Gov’t investigates Humana for flyer questioning Obamacare. »
You’ve had a good run, why not save the gov’t a little money? Britain looks at assisted suicide laws.
You’ve had a good run, why not save the gov’t a little money? Britain looks at assisted suicide laws. »
Why Van Jones Must Go.
Van Jones, Obama’s admitted communist, revolutionary insurgent Green Jobs czar is now, it turns out a “Truther,” someone who believes that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were either planned by or known of in advance by the government of the United States. This should be career ending for anyone in government for... »
Why Palin is right to fear death panels. How the VA tells vets how to die.
Why Palin is right to fear death panels. How the VA tells vets how to die. »