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Hurricane Irene could cost tens of billions; or a few days of federal spending.
Hurricane Irene could cost tens of billions; or a few days of federal spending. »
Video: Mothra attacks North Carolina weatherman.
Video: Mothra attacks North Carolina weatherman. »
Why have we had 10 years of increased CO2 and no warming? WHARRBGARBL BUSH LIED!
Why have we had 10 years of increased CO2 and no warming? WHARRBGARBL BUSH LIED! »
Barack Obama Hates White People.
Barack Obama Hates White People. »
Must be April: as tourism dries up, AZ passes 2nd law sure to drive news crew tourism to the state.
Must be April: as tourism dries up, AZ passes another law sure to drive news crew tourism to the state. »
This just in to the Weather Channel: Bloated government adds to Global Warming™.
This just in to the Weather Channel: Bloated government adds to Global Warming™. »
Whine House tries to blame weather for abysmal jobs number; yet states need more money for snow removal.
Whine House tries to blame weather for abysmal jobs number; yet states need more money for snow removal. »
Last week had more snow in the northern hemisphere than at any other time in the last 43 yrs, except 1 week in 1978.
Last week had more snow in the northern hemisphere than at any other time in the last 43 yrs, except 1 week in 1978. »
Fake and Inaccurate: NYTimes argues snow storms are driven by Global Warming™, just like hurricanes. They are not.
Fake and Inaccurate: NYTimes argues snow storms are driven by Global Warming™, just like hurricanes. They are not. »
Another Senate hearing on Global Warming cancelled due to record snow.
Another Senate hearing on Global Warming cancelled due to record snow. »