Daily Danet on Twitter

  • http://t.co/a7HsR4Ml "Make Fly Now!" He puts one of you on the unemployment line, you drag him into court. That's the Chicago Way! #tcot 14 hours ago

  • http://t.co/0ggOEN6U German bankers to Geithner: Are you nuts? Your plan would ruin; we'd lose our AAA rating. Geithner: We did it here. 18 hours ago

  • http://t.co/HDo9B0jI Herman Cain. Zoom the camera out and see the light. #tcot 18 hours ago

  • http://t.co/E8wYnBPb Pete Orszag, Obama's former budget director: In order to save our democracy, we need to destroy it. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/o8L5aMkM Former rocket scientist running for GOP nomination. Don't worry, media will still call him stupid. #tcot #hermancain 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/lRxmYwjR Yes, Obama was on the way to a fundraiser when he damaged the runway. 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/hNUzuzzq So sue me. Obama damages runway on way to Boston fundraisers-welches on damage. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/QgDpHlqa Obama pressures Ford to pull auto bailout ad. Since when is it okay for POTUS to limit speech? #tcot #hypocrisy 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/jQHgMkhE Last nail in Plavix's coffin. Moore endorses Huntsman. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/tvmcZiWR Axelrod admits Obama is captain of a sinking ship. 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/sDaYrxjt Obama blames sluggish fundraising on distraction of actually being president. #whinehouse #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/uzkuu4te McGinniss claims media bias over Palin book--claims MSM is protecting Palin. #notlikely 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/DNkg4AEk Don't mess with Tar Heels. North Carolina barbecue repeating on Perry; faces criticism for comment from 1992. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/QwS8vOVy Dana Milbank tries to tie Bush to Solyndra. Building a road doesn't make you responsible for the drunk drivers. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/rBihfTI0 CNN has found a way to make the next GOP debate more intersting, less cringetastic. #huntsman #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/cdpG8gXt Solyndra warnings went unheaded; Chu wanted *less* oversight. Obama's Presidential Daily Brief, but actionable. #tcot 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/t4QHrSvz Democrats boo Jesus Christ. 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/R4ESYkY2 Sarah Palin threatens suit over "lies and rumors." With bonus caption contest photo. 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/0ifRP058 Marion Barry's son launches his own DC political career. 1 day ago

  • http://t.co/fBHxymH3 Accurately reporting the president's speech is now racist. #mediabias #racism #fail 1 day ago

Obama: If we default kids will eat grandparents. [Psst, banks, j/k; We got plenty of time.]

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
By Dan

Obama: If we don’t get a grand bargain by Tuesday, we will default and children will be forced to eat their grandparents. [Psst, banks, just kidding. We got plenty of time.]

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