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Some of Obamas policies have been a disaster–Rush Limbaugh, John McCain or the Dalai Lama? Hello Dalai!
Who said: “Some of Obama’s policies have been a disaster”–Rush Limbaugh, John McCain or the Dalai Lama? Hello Dalai! »
Obama goes to Norway to collect a peace prize and causes fight.
Obama goes to Norway to collect a peace prize and causes fight. »
Krauthammer: The Russians have already disproved the wisdom of Obama’s Nobel.
Krauthammer: The Russians have already disproved the wisdom of Obama’s Nobel. »
Even the Nobel Committee had a WTF moment over Obama. #NOBELOL
Even the Nobel Committee had a WTF moment over Obama. »
Nobel committee: Apologizing to Arabs and throwing your friends to Russians is enough to get a peace prize.
Nobel committee: Apologizing to Arabs and throwing your friends to the Russians is enough to get a peace prize. »
Crybaby: WH comm. director whines about FNC “bias” on the network that fact checked an SNL skit (videos).
Crybaby: White Hhouse communications director whines about Fox News Channel’s “bias” on the network that fact checked an SNL skit (videos). »
DNC: If you criticize Obama’s Nobel peace prize, you’re with the terrorists.
DNC: If you criticize Obama’s Nobel peace prize, you’re with the terrorists. »
Even WH aids think it may be a joke. “It’s not April 1st, is it?”
Even White House aids think it may be a joke. “It’s not April 1st, is it?” »
Times of London: Absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize.
Times of London: Absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize. »
Nobel Committee continues its march toward irrelevance and ridicule.
Today, in what one Pakistani political leader called an “embarrassing joke,” an American President who has accomplished absolutely nothing in office was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He joins such other luminaries and peace makers as Al Gore, who not only invented the internet, but roams the Earth spreading lies about its impending doom... »