The reportedly dud nuclear test by North Korea raises many questions, such as do we launch a preemptive strike before or after the midterm elections. But it also answered a few. Firstly, is Kim Jong Il nuts? The answer, of course, is yes.
The question has been open recently because, as one comedian points out, he acts crazy, the world capitulates and he gets what he wants. Perhpas this is not the act of a madman, but the skilled dance of a calculating man.
But now, it’s about a month before our Congressional elections. The Democrats, on the heels of a kid-touching Republican scandal and a floundering President with the communication skills of a broken drive through speaker, are poised to take (by default rather than principals) the leadership of both houses of Congress. The only thing that could save Republican control of the legislature is an October Suprise that would rekindle American fears of terrorism and the need for a strong defense.
The Democrats, of course, have already announced their intention to coddle the little bastard dictator. If the Democrats regain power, is there any doubt that “aid” would flow freely into North Korea at the expense of U.S. taxpayers and to the long-term detriment of the North Korean peasants?
So what does he do? Kim Jong Il, on the eve of getting what he wants, does the only thing within his power to prevent it: he goes nuclear. Or tries, anyway. Like I said, he’s nuts and this proves it.